Our story
At the beginning of 2019, we started planning an organic japanese quince (chaenomeles japonica) garden of more than 4 hectares. In the meantime, we made all kinds of preparations. A year later, 14 000 japanese quince seedlings started their new life - in a place between the oaks of Aiviekste, the meadows of Lubans and the Teici nature reserve.
The year 2021 brought the first harvest in our garden, which allowed us to experiment with processing the fruit.
In 2023 we qualified as organic farmers.
In spring 2023 we expanded our japanese quince orchard by another 3 ha and we plan to develop new ideas in processing, creating new products not only from japanese quince but also from rhubarb and chokeberries.
From 2024 we offer japanese quince seedlings for sale.